Commercial property types includes office buildings, industrial property, medical centers, hotels, malls, retail stores, farm land, multifamily housing buildings, warehouses, and garages.
1.Office Buildings – This category includes single resident properties, small professional office buildings, downtown structure and everything in between.
2.Industrial- This category ranges from smaller properties, often called “Flex” or “R&D” properties, to larger office service or office warehouse properties to the very large “big box” industrial properties. An important, defining characteristic of industrial space is Clear Height. Clear height is the actual height, to the bottom of the steel support in the interior of the building. This might be 1416 feet for smaller properties, and 40+ feet for larger properties.
3.Retail/Restaurant – This category includes pad sites on highway frontages, single resident retail buildings, small neighborhood shopping centers, larger centers with grocery store anchor tenants etc.
4 Multifamily – This category includes apartment complexes or highrise apartment buildings. Generally, anything larger than a four plexus is considered commercial real estate. To know more information about commercial property types you can click office design Sydney here.
5 Land – This category includes investment properties on undeveloped, raw, rural land in the path of future development. Or, infill land with an urban area, pad sites, and more.
These property types will have usage for industrial purposes only. Such as
Heavy manufacturing: These buildings are heavily customized and house machinery manufacturers need to operate and produce goods and services.
Light assembly: These aren’t as customized and may be used for product