ForMedia » January 11, 2014

Daily Archives: January 11, 2014


Secrets to Getting the Most Out of Your Mascara

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            If you are getting clumps in your lashes, or suffer from a bad case of terrifying spider eyes, you can be applying your mascara all most in a wrong way. Sometimes the problem is to use the mascara itself, and other times we are responsible. Don't sweat it; there are simple techniques that can be used to get long, full gorgeous lashes. However, you can also visit  for tips on using mascara and much more.<br /><br />It is easy to apply mascara properly, and it only swallows a little practice. When people open your mascara, try moving the brush on the sides of the container to go away excess clumps of mascara. You may also wipe the wand freed from any clumps with a bit of tissue. This will provide you with a smooth evenly coated brush to make use of your product.<br /><br />With the tips of one's fingers, gently pull the actual wand up and by means of your lashes, brushing these individuals lightly. Move the wand around a little to coat lashes evenly. Finally, close the eye and use the wand to brush through the top of the lash removing any clumps that will have remained.<br /><br />You could also mix mascaras. Try two unique variations of mascara like a waterproof brand that has a lengthening product. See if you can get your lashes to pop on this makeup trick of the professionals.